October 3, 2022

Well. Let me tell you about my day. I nearly got a big sister. Mom and I went for our walk this morning while Dad was banging about again in the basement (it’s such a mess down there but there’s lots a pieces of wood for me to chew on so I don’t mind too much ). We were about half way around our usual loop when Mom spotted an old looking limping Rottweiler. She was very friendly but didn’t want to play with me. She had no collar or tags. Mom looked in her ear and said something about Star Wars. I think she said Tatooine or maybe it was tattoo in ear. 

Mom called By-law. They said they couldn’t do anything until tomorrow. So Dad came and picked us all up in the truck. He had to help our new friend to climb in. When we got home she drank all my water. Mom said something about maybe being out all night. I think that’s for certain. I know when Dad goes out all night he drinks loads of water when he gets home. 

Anyway, after a couple of more phone calls we took her to the VCA so they could try to find her parents. I hope it all works out OK. I hope her sore back leg is arthritis not the result of being hit by a vehicle. 

I’m learning fast to use Mom’s IPad so I can look at the humane society website. Wish me luck. 

Love and licks, Maggie 🐕 🐾

Editorial note: The dog was later re-united with her owners