May 8, 2022

This week started with a socialization walk with Mom. I couldn’t concentrate at all. I apologize to all that saw me there being norty. I think it was perhaps I could tell something was going on. Mom wasn’t her usual calm and collected self and her demeanour was rubbing off. 

Soon after the walk we went to the place with the big metal wingy things and I realized we were picking Dad up. So now I know why Mom was all excited. Mom took me into the airport. It was another one of those times when there’s a lot of new experiences so I was quite quiet taking it all in. Until Dad came through and then all hell broke loose!! 

During the week I’ve been helping Mom with the gardening. I’ve dug a couple of holes in the lawn which I was very proud of. Mom didn’t seem to think it was as clever as I did. Maybe next time she will. I also buried a beef bone in the flower-bed. Mom can’t find it even though she looked for ages…. hahahaha. 

On Thursday evening Ashley and Amy from Elevated Canine came to visit. There’s something about Ashley that makes me want to do exactly what she tells me. Sometimes she didn’t even use words and I found myself doing exactly what she wanted. So now Mom and Dad know that I CAN behave. Bummer!! 

Still I got my own back on Dad this morning. They’ve been having me do the same things as Ashley when walking. It’s actually fun. Especially towards the end of the walk when I’d already seen a number of rabbits and not reacted. My plan was to lull Dad into a false sense of security and it totally worked. Just when we were almost home I got close to a rabbit and suddenly went absolutely ape!!! I was leaping and straining and the end of my leash and yelping like mad. It was great !! Just like old times!! 

Bud Dad got his own back when we got home. He prepped my breakfast put it down where I eat and then put me in my place. He had me stay while he refreshed my water bowl and put ice in it and then put it back. It took forever. 


Love and licks Maggie 🐕 🐾