March 20, 2022

It’s been another great week. I’m settling well into a routine with my family. I’m learning to walk to heal much better on leash and not needing too many corrections so that’s great. My recall is still a bit of a challenge when there’s distractions especially at the off-leash park and I’m still mouthing and biting with Mom and Dad. I don’t understand why I can do it with dogs but not with them.

When I’m home I like to sit at the front window. It goes almost to the floor so I can lie on my bed with my head on the window ledge. I’m quite comfortable like that until a rabbit or squirrel comes into view. At which point apparently all hell breaks loose …whatever that means. I just hear it being said. 

On the way back from the park today Dad opened the back window. It’s a good job I was tied in as it was soooper fun. I think I might need to get some doggles. Can you get those on Amazon? 

Mom got me a beef bone this week it’s been great fun licking the marrow out and sharpening my teeth on it. It keeps me busy when Dad is working from home. 

Love Maggie 🐕 🐾