Fun on the River

The other day, Mom and Dad took us to the river/. I love the river but I’m not yet sure about the whole Kayak Thing. The paddleboard is OK…. I guess. At least I can move around on it so its not too bad from that point of view.

So, there I was doing my thing on the paddleboard with Dad but suddenly, I realized that Mom and Maggie were way too far away from me. They must have been all of 20 feet. Oh My Dog … what were they thinking. So I yippered and yappered myself silly and pretended to threaten to jump into the river to go and bring them back. Mom and Dad got the idea and paddled towards each other so my Fantastic, Great, Beautiful big sister Maggie was closer to me.

Cut a long story short and you can see from the picture how it ended up. Dad was moaning as we’d move from the front to the back and then to the middle and then back (to the front) and so on. Every time we moved he had to move either backwards or forwards to try to balance out the weight. It became a game by the end of it but don’t tell him that.