Author: maggieandsmudge

October 3, 2022

Well. Let me tell you about my day. I nearly got a big sister. Mom and I went for our walk this morning while Dad was banging about again in the basement (it’s such a mess down there but there’s lots a pieces of wood for me to chew on so I don’t mind too […]

September 10, 2022

Ok!! Let’s talk about nails. I hate them getting trimmed.  Mom and Dad tried with a dremal thing for a while. I called it a nightmare thing.  So Mom found an old pair of clipper thingys. But I hate those.  Mom bought a new pair on Amazon this week and Dad sat down in the […]

September 8, 2022

This evening Mom is working nights and Dad had some errands to run early in the evening so we were late going to the park. Dad put me on the 50 foot leash as he said I’d been so good today.  It’s so much fun in the dark there with my young doggy eyes and […]

September 5, 2022

My potential boyfriend came to visit yesterday. All hell broke loose when he got here (video 1). It was great to see Mom and Dad running around the house after him. Then we played in the back yard. That was such fun. (Video 2). I like big strong male dogs.  Then he went into the kitchen […]

September 2, 2022

Dad just turned on Dog TV for me. I went straight to my bed. I may look relaxed but I’m not.  My ears are up – tuned to every sound.  My front paws are on the ledge – ready to spring.  My back legs – well OK, they’re not quite as ready as the rest […]

August 30, 2022

We’ve been off in the house on wheels thingy again. We went for 10 days to a place called Boulton Creek. It’s a beautiful area where the Upper and Lower Kananaskis Lakes are in The Rocky Mountains in Alberta Canada and 30 minutes drive from any form of cell service so that was a big […]

August 13, 2022

On guard at the bathroom window. Or at least that’s what Mom and Dad think I’m doing. Really I’m on Rabbit Watch.  I’m a coiled spring ready to burst.  I’m a rifle bullet awaiting the trigger.  I’m a lioness poised to pounce.  I like to take the early shift … then the mid shift … […]

August 3, 2022

Dad was downstairs. Mom was in the shower. I was bored. So I went and found a toy in the sewing room that was in the ‘Needs Surgery’ pile. It deffo needs surgery now …  Love and licks Maggie 🐕 🐾