August 30, 2022

We’ve been off in the house on wheels thingy again. We went for 10 days to a place called Boulton Creek. It’s a beautiful area where the Upper and Lower Kananaskis Lakes are in The Rocky Mountains in Alberta Canada and 30 minutes drive from any form of cell service so that was a big plus – I have no idea what that means but Dad was really excited.

I’m good these days in a kayak with either Mom or Dad for about 30 minutes and then I want to swap. Our first outing on the lake was a couple of hours and I swapped between them maybe 4 or 5 times. Only once did the kayaks drift apart and I she fell in. Brrrrrghhh it was cold!!

Fortunately I’m a lithe 45lb and pretty easy to haul back into the kayak. 

I love to fetch sticks Mom and Dad throw in the lake and will go swimming for them. This also creates a challenge when in the kayak if I sees a stick floating as I want to jump in and get them…. but back to the swimming… this doesn’t last long as the water is glacial fed and pretty cold in the deeper areas. 

We did quite a few hikes. Sometimes 2 shorter ones in a day. There were even a few we could start and complete right in the campground so that was great. Our longest hike was around the Upper Kananaskis Lake. Including pottering around the campground that was a 21 km day. Our largest elevation gain was to the Fire Lookout (great views) that was 513 meters of elevation on a 12km there and back trail. 

Fun stats: 

– Total nights stayed : 10

– Total distance walked : 118 km

– Total elevation gain : 2,404m

– Attempts to wear me out : endless.. I pulled them everywhere. When we got back to the trailer I’d sleep for 30 minutes and then be ready to go again.

– Hours in kayaks : about 5. We need to look into a 2-person (plus one dog) canoe I think. Hopefully this will stop me wanting to jump from one to the other. 

Overall it was a great break.

Love and licks, Maggie 🐕 🐾