April 24, 2022

It’s been another fun week. Nana stayed the week before Easter and decided to hang round a couple of extra days as both Mom and Dad were working. And then the snow came and Nana stayed another day. I had great fun doing my prancing deer impression jumping through the deep snow. Whenever we were walking Dad tried to stay on the cleared path and make me go in the snow. Something about making me tired … fat chance. He even tried to make me cut the corner when we went round a bend but I’m too smart for that. 

Yesterday we were playing in the back yard. It’s great for zoomies. They kept trying to trick me by throwing snowballs and yelling “Get it!” which of course I couldn’t. But I got my own back. They brought a couple of balls out for me to play with. So whenever they threw them I would get them but not bring them back. That’ll teach ‘em!! 

My coat is so soft and luxurious this week. I’ve been eating raw for a few weeks now and suddenly my fur has changed. I’m getting used to the nail sander thingie as well. Mom and Dad call it a drum roll or a dreamel or something. 

Yesterday afternoon we dropped Dad off at some place with big metal winged birds. I wonder when he’ll be back. 

So looking forward to seeing Ashley and Amy again. I want to show them how much better I’m doing (apart from the jumping and mouthing).

Love and licks Maggie 🐕. 🐾