April 17, 2022

I can’t believe it’s 2 months with Mom and Dad. I love them so much. I try to show it but sometimes … well, let’s not get into that. 

Dad’s started working more from downtown. Mom and I went to see him one lunch time and we went walking for a hour. It was great fun and I was so well behaved. I didn’t lunge or bark or anything. One thing I didn’t like was the grates on the sidewalk. Dad tried to get me to walk on the big footprints but I found it easier and more fun to jump over them. There were so many things to see and smell it was great fun. 

I have a couple of new leashes. The 50 foot one I’ve talked about in previous updates and also at 20 foot one from the leash work over the last couple of Sundays. Either the leashes are getting more chew-proof or I’m getting better behaved (hahaha I don’t think so) or Mom and Dad are getting quicker at stopping me. Anyway, they aren’t getting as damaged as the old one was. 

Last Sunday on the long leash training I got loads of treats and was so good. I was even walking to heal at one point looking longingly into Dad’s eyes pining away for more treats. Dad said something about a glimpse of the future. 

Talking of treats. The diet isn’t working. I’m still putting weight on. My meals are getting smaller (I’m now getting chicken raw as well as beef) but I don’t mind as I’m still getting lots of treats. 

Treats. Yes let’s talk about treats. Two lovely ladies came to play last Wednesday. Ashley and Amy from Elevated Canine came to visit. We had such great fun. I learned so much and so did Mom and Dad. Since then I’ve been practicing patience. I was already pretty good at waiting for my food but now I wait to go out until I’m released and other stuff like that. 

Ashley was so strong in her interactions with me. She’s totally in charge whenever she’s around. We played tug. This is my new favourite game. I’m getting really good at releasing the tug toy when told. Mom and Dad only tell me once and then wait for me to comply. It’s not as much fun as ignoring them and waiting for them to repeat ‘Mine!’ in a louder and louder voice and higher and higher pitch but they reward me so well with treats and affection and more play when I do it quickly.

Mom said it’s Easter this weekend. Dad’s asleep on the couch. He’s eaten a load of bunnies. Not my sort of bunnies. These are wrapped in shiny stuff and smell funny. Mom said something about a chocolate coma. Lazy Dad. 

I hope you get to catch and eat the Easter Bunny. I’m sure gonna try. 

Love and licks Maggie 🐕. 🐾