March 27, 2022

So I’ve had great fun again this week. I thought last week was fun but that was nothing!!! 

I have more jewellery on my collar now. But let me back up a bit. We went to Nose Hill on Sunday afternoon. Dad put me on the newly repaired 30ft leash. It smelt and tasted funny. I heard something about Frank’s extra hot hot sauce. Whatever that is.

Anyway. There were a few dogs at Nose Hill and I went running off to see them. It was great fun. Especially when the leash snapped. This happened twice. I guess Mom’s repair didn’t go so well. Lucky me!! The other dogs I was playing with came back to their owners when called! How novel a concept. But because of that I came back to Mom and Dad and they leashed me up again. 

But that wasn’t the most fun. When we got back home I managed to get away as we were going into the house. I went running off down the street and disturbed a rabbit. It was just like old times on the reservation. The rabbits here can run really fast. And squeal really load. I didn’t catch this one but it was great fun chasing her. By the time it got away from me I started to remember what things used to be like… yippeeeeee. Eventually Mom found me and managed to get me back on leash. Something about Never Again and She’s lost her chances now kept getting mentioned. 

This brings me to my latest jewellery. It’s an apple air tag called M.G.F.M.A. I don’t know what it means. Can anyone help ? 

But wait! There’s more! In other news, I’ve realized that the dremmel is not a noisy toy but a grooming tool. I got all my nails sanded this week and it didn’t hurt at all. By the end of it Dad was hardly needing to hold me. 

Also, I want to thank CCR for getting Mom and Dad to make sure I’m comfortable climbing onto benches. With this new skill I was able to clear the deck railing into the back yard !! There was a table against the railing and a squirrel in the tree. It’s only a 6 foot drop on the other side which is a snip when there’s a squirrel involved. I can’t understand why the deck furniture has been moved around now. 

And as if that isn’t enough fun this week. I’ve also learned to counter surf. Dad has caught me with an empty bowl that was on the counter and then on another occasion a toy that he’d put up there waiting for surgery. 

This picture was when walking one evening. See the shadow of the leash? I’m getting really good at walking next to Mom and Dad…. Until something distracts me that is. 

Love and Licks, Maggie 🐕 🐾