March 6, 2022

Well here we are at the end of week 2. Mom’s been home this week which has been great. I’m getting better at leash work when walking. I don’t pull as much. I’ve only chased after a couple of cars and rabbits this week. Mom says a gentle leader is in my near future.

Mom’s taken me to the off lease park a few times and my recall is getting better… when I’m not too excited. That whole playing with other dogs is great fun but oh so exhausting. Play hard. Sleep hard. That’s what Mom tells me. I’ve found my voice at the off lease park. I can’t understand why no one else joins in. I’m quite talkative at home too. Especially when I’m tired and Dad’s not paying attention to me. Mom says I’m becoming a Daddy’s girl but I don’t know what she means. 

I’m trying hard not to destroy toys but my Mom loves to stitch them back together so I have to help with that. Today I succeeded in shredding a rope toy that four of my previous brothers and sisters didn’t manage to. I was so proud of myself. 

I love my kennel and am happy to go in it by myself. Especially when I’m tired. 

I’m looking forward to seeing you all on the walk tomorrow. 

Love and licks Maggie 🐕 🐾